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Rod of Atonement ~ Prayer & Photo

Dear Family, Many Blessings,

Some of us believe we are here on Earth to be a “Point of Light” for clearing and healing. Atonement is the act of Reconciliation with God by way of “Sacrifice and Resurrection” for the Sins/Dense Energies/Debris of Humanity.

We understand there are thousands of years of dense energies created by Humanity that is resting in the third and fourth dimensions.

This dense energy / debris is weighing down the Earth’s Ascension with the rest of the Universe.


Other Dimensional Beings have assisted Earth in clearing this debris over time. In the 21st Century however, these Beings are seeking Cooperation with “Points of Light” to clear this debris.

This clearing is a “Course Correction” for the Earth’s Ascension. As Sovereign Beings on a Free Will Earth, we can direct our Divine and Powerful Will any way we choose. In order to assist in the “Course Correction,” We Are “Surrendering” Our Will as the “Sacrifice and Resurrection” of Christ Consciousness in order to Serve/Reconcile with God/Creator.

The Rods of Atonement and the Affirmation of Atonement have been Co-Created to Assist those Called to Participate and Bury the Rod of Atonement as a Symbol of our calling as a “Point of Light.”

Intention of the Application of Rods of Atonement: Offering Atonement to the Earth is for the Earth; it is in no way Intended to Benefit or Protect Humanity. The Rod is only Activated when it is Offered in This Way...otherwise it is merely an artifact.

We Speak Aloud the Affirmation of Atonement When Burying the Rod of Atonement in an Area we are Sovereign Over. Offering Atonement with the Rods in an area we are not Sovereign over is a Violation of Free Will and the Energy Created from that Violation will bounce back when Clearing is Intended.

We Invite the Burying of as many Rods of Atonement as You are Called; as long as They Are Buried with Sovereignty.

The Rods of Atonement are a Beacon/Point of Light...the more Points of Light...the more Clearing.


Intention of the Application of Rods of Atonement:

  • Offering Atonement to the Earth is for the Earth; it is in no way Intended to Benefit or Protect Humanity. The Rod is only Activated when it is Offered in This Way...otherwise it is merely an artifact.

  • We Speak Aloud the Affirmation of Atonement When Burying the Rod of Atonement in an Area we are Sovereign Over. Offering Atonement with the Rods in an area we are not Sovereign over is a Violation of Free Will and the Energy Created from that Violation will bounce back when Clearing is Intended. 

  • We Invite the Burying of as many Rods of Atonement as You are Called; as long as They Are Buried with Sovereignty.

  • The Rods of Atonement are a Beacon/Point of Light...the more Points of Light...the more Clearing.


The Rods of Atonement have been Created As a Symbol of Atonement from Humanity for having Created Debris that has Interfered with Gaia's Ascension. As Sovereign Beings, with These Rods of Atonement and Our Commitment to Do, Be and Have Christ Consciousness, We Will be Surrendering Our Will in Exchange for the Clearing of Debris. We can only Surrender our Will to the Care and Service of Creator when we Understand Surrender.  We can only make a Commitment to Do, Be and Have Christ Consciousness in an Area We can Hold as a Sovereign Being. We have Created The Affirmation to Guide The Pathway of Clearing for The Rods of Atonement.


As Sovereign Beings we understand that we have Free Will, as do all living Beings on Earth, and we can only Speak for Ourselves. Sovereignty/Free Will is a Gift that has been given to Humanity by Creator. Sovereignty/Free Will is both a Divine and Powerful Energy. We can Choose to Surrender our Will or Direct our Will for the Benefit of Ourselves, Others and Creator. (The distinction is that when We Surrender Our Will, We Allow the Guidance From Creator to Assist our Pathway. When We Direct Our Will, We Are Relying on Our Limited Awareness). Once we Surrender Our Will for the Benefit of Creator We will be Guided through the Pathways of Directing Our Sovereignty/Will/Energy for the Benefit of Creator. Making a Commitment to Do, Be and Have Christ Consciousness as we Bury the Rod of Atonement is a Commitment to Hold Christ Consciousness in that Area for Our Incarnation on Earth. 


In the Future We will be Offering Rods for the purpose of Human Benefit. These future Rods will be Intended for Ceremony, Healing, Clearing, Communication and Protection.


Peace ~ Seina Deer Heart

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